Guardianship is security through legal occupation.
I became a Guardian in late 2013, moving into what had been Sheltered Housing for the Elderly in South East London. I became curious how with near identical bedsit flats we all created totally different space.
Any building owner be that public or private can engage a Guardianship firm who then place live in Guardians in the property. Guardians pay less than market rent (a licence fee) and have severely limited rights compared to a standard tenancy, most notably a 28 day notice period. Quite how the licence fee is shared between the owners and the Guardian firm varies from building to building.
This body of work is now housed in the Geffrye Museum that is dedicated to London housing.
Click for BBC coverage
Click for Feature on Foto Visura
Frederick Boxer has written a piece about his time as the building manager
The Head of a Dubious House